Learn the Not-So-Basics

Advice for product innovation, design, and development
2024 12 06 Pugh Matrix
Download Our Pugh Matrix Template to Streamline Decision-Making in Medical Device Development
Our team relies on the Pugh Matrix to simplify complex decisions in medical device development. Learn how it works and download our customizable worksheet for free.
2025 01 31 Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Clinical Testing HERO
Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Testing? Key Considerations for Clinical Trials
US regulations are complex, but navigating early testing successfully is crucial for advancing your medical device. Here's how to prepare.
2024 12 11 human factors without human HERO
Human Factors Without the Human
To be successful and safe, automated systems need to work as a team with a human partner.
2024 11 21 7 tips and tricks qualitative research HERO
7 Qualitative User Research Tips and Tricks
Now that we’ve established the value of user research, let’s talk about how to do it right.
Loops HERO
3 Steps To Transform Your Business Idea into a Prototype
One of the most frequent questions we hear from entrepreneurs is about the design cycle and how long it will take to develop an idea into a real product or product prototype.
Panel edited HERO
Bridging the Digital-Physical Divide in Medical Device Development
Insights from our MD&M Minneapolis panel highlighted the challenges and benefits of merging hardware and software design, emphasizing how an integrated approach can improve patient outcomes and meet the evolving demands of modern healthcare.
2024 10 02 Three Ways Keep It Simple HERO
Three Ways to Keep It Simple When You Have the Urge to Add One More Feature
This tendency to want to innovate around every single aspect of a product stems from passion for the product and its mission. But while passion is indispensable, it needs to be tempered with rational thinking.
2024 09 27 kickstarted what i learned HERO
I Got Kickstarted, and Here’s What I Learned
Having done all the research and scaled the considerable Kickstarter learning curve, I wanted to compile what I found to be the most useful resources.
2024 09 17 3 Things Kickstart Hardware Setup HERO
Three Things to Do Before Kickstarting Your Hardware Startup
The biggest pitfall for aspiring hardware entrepreneurs isn’t the funding part; it’s the hardware part and clearing the production hurdles.
2024 09 03 Zen Art of User Onboarding HERO_white
Zen and the Art of User Onboarding
As the products we use every day become increasingly complex, the art of user onboarding has taken on greater significance. But there’s more to consider than simply front-loading your product with all the information your users might need to know.
2024 08 27 Automotive Cockpit HMI HERO
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go: Takeaways from Automotive Cockpit HMI
How do you create an in-car interface that is engaging, exciting, easy to use, and doesn’t distract the driver?
2024 08 21 Headless Provisioning HERO
What Is ‘Headless Provisioning,’ and How Can We Make It Easier for Users?
Headless provisioning is part of the unboxing experience — specifically, it’s the part when a user connects the device to the Internet for the first time. Unfortunately this process is often confusing for users.
Fig Jam Hero
How to Use FigJam to Collaborate on Sketches
We use FigJam to collaborate and share our sketches and early thinking internally and with our clients. Here’s how we do it.
2024 08 01 UX Life or Death HERO
UX, The Difference Between Life And Death?
In certain industries, a poor user experience isn’t just suboptimal—it's dangerous.
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Don’t Let Order Bias Distort User Research
We’re passionate advocates for user research and the critical role it plays in product design. But not all research is equal.
2024 06 19 Usability Lab HERO
The Case for Product Usability Testing in Simulated Environments
Why do we regularly transform our usability lab into a kitchen, hospital room, garage, bathroom, living room? It’s not because we’re filming a movie.
2024 06 18 RF Antenna Design HERO
On-Ramp to Electronic Product Design: 6 Key Considerations for RF Antenna Design
Now that everything from phones to automatic sprinkler systems have functionality that requires an internet connection, most of our clients’ products need some kind of communications rig. Most often, that means a radio frequency antenna.
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Why is Brand Consistency Important in Product Design?
People often think of brand consistency as it relates to advertising and communications. But it’s just as important for designers of products to consider brand consistency when creating a new design.
2024 05 21 9 considerations for planning user research prototypes HERO
9 Considerations for Planning User Research Prototypes
Prototyping for user research is a major consideration of product development and one that often confuses, because it’s not an exact science. There’s always a question of what to test and when, and there’s no one “right answer.”
2024 05 03 underutilized role human factors HERO2 2
A Chronically Underutilized Role in New Medical Device Development
Utilizing this role to its fullest could minimize project risk and speed your product to market.
2024 05 07 Art of Moderating User Research HERO2
The Art of Moderating User Research
In a research session, a moderator’s goal is to acquire as much knowledge as possible from potential users of the product based on their experience (or even a lack of experience).
2024 04 19 User research in NPD HERO
Slash Project Risk: Incorporate Research Throughout New Product Development
Research enables you to make good decisions throughout new product development, speeding up product development and creating a product that resonates with users. Here’s what research-driven NPD looks like.
2024 04 02 Prototype Breaking HERO
On-Ramp to Design Engineering: Prototypes Are Made for Breaking!
We will test a part, remove material, then test it again, and iterate that process until it eventually breaks. At that point, we know just how thin, light, or inexpensive a part can be.
2024 03 19 Who Knows Best Designing User Control AI HERO
Who Knows Best? Designing User Control in the Age of AI
How much agency should a machine be allowed? For both medical devices and cars, the potential to save lives is very real. But the consequences of things going wrong could be catastrophic.
2024 03 12 3 UX best practices med product design HERO
3 UX Best Practices for Medical Product Designers
A few months ago, we discussed three UX trends reshaping medical product design. Here’s how to incorporate them into your device UX efforts.
2024 02 20 unexplained failures hero
Diagnosing Unexplained Product Failures
Diagnosing problems in failing products that have already been released for manufacturing can be a tricky business.
2024 02 08 B2 B v B2 C HERO
Is There a Difference Between B2B & B2C Product Development?
Designers love to talk about the needs of the user. But what if the end user isn’t the person making the decision to buy your products?
2024 01 30 Offshore Manufacturing HERO
How to Make Offshore Manufacturing Work
When offshore manufacturing works well, it can be fast, cost-efficient, and deliver good quality. But often speed, price, or quality is sacrificed without the right vendor, relationship, and process.
2024 01 24 Industrial Design Concepts Too Many HERO
How Many Industrial Design Concepts is Too Many?
A question we get often from new clients while drafting industrial design proposals is how many concepts they’ll be reviewing in the early phases of a project.
2024 1 10 Polished Prototypes HERO
How To Make Polished Product Prototypes Using Everyday Shop Tools
A couple of weeks ago I did a shop presentation to share techniques I’ve developed for making models come together in a more professional way.
2023 12 22 Simulated Use HERO
Medical Device Testing: Go As Far as Possible with a Simulated Use Environment
Medical device usability testing serves different — and equally important — purposes throughout the product design process, from generative through evaluative research.
Wet and wild fluidics HERO
Wet and Wild: Our Favorite Fluidics Design Challenges
Product design and manufacturing are always more challenging when the wet stuff is involved.
2023 12 08 8 Essential Prototypes HERO
Eight Essential Prototypes: The Nesting and Stacking Approach to Product Development
While a final product may appear to stand on its own, it’s actually buoyed by tiers of development. These include rounds of prototyping and testing.
2024 03 27 Design that clicks HERO
Design That Clicks: The Art and Science of Tactile Feedback
A click is a universally recognized cue that an action is complete. Here's how to get the right sound and feel.
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Calm Technology in the Era of Push Notifications
In a world of “ubiquitous computing,” how might technology communicate information without hijacking a person’s attention?
On-Ramp to IoT: Anatomy of a Connected Product
Connecting a device to the Internet adds layers of complexity.
HERO millerslaw
Use Miller’s Law When Presenting Design Concepts
It’s not uncommon for a new client to want to see 20 or 30 concepts during the initial design phase, believing this represents better value.
2024 01 03 Hicks Law HERO
Use Hick’s Law to Design Intuitive Products That Users Love
Regardless of what you're designing, the options you present to users should be simple and straightforward.
Pareto Principle hero
Applying the Pareto Principle to Product Development
The Pareto Principle is a great tool for project teams when they’re trying to decide where to focus their energy and efforts.
2023 09 08 consumer robotics blog image HERO
Designing Consumer Robotics? Answer These Four Questions First
Convincing discerning consumers to buy a home robot isn't easy. To earn a spot in our homes and our lives, “home bots” (and those designing them) must answer four important questions.
Design for misuse 2
How Design for Misuse Creates Safer Products
Users often go rogue, using products in ways they weren’t designed to be used. Design for misuse is a way to counteract this.
2023 08 10 guide to developing product requirements2 HERO
A Guide to Developing Better Product Requirements
Creating product requirements can seem like a straightforward task, but it has plenty of potential pitfalls.
12 Dave COG Swhitepaper
Design or Buy? 6 Tests to Tell If You Should Buy or Design That Component
More often than not, designing your cool new product relies on some new widget. You’re not sure if you should design your own or buy one from a supplier. What if there was a straightforward way to decide?
Root cause probing hero 2
How Root Cause Probing Improves Medical Device Design
Often, users don’t know why they made a mistake. Human Factors researches use the art of Root Cause Probing to uncover what went wrong.
2023 07 12 soft goods part 3 INLINE1a
How to Use High-Fidelity Prototyping for Soft Goods
You’ve vetted your MVP design through low and medium-fidelity prototypes. Now use high-fidelity prototypes to amplify your MVP into a truly compelling offering.
Affordance door hero
How Affordance Makes Medical Devices Safer
Affordance is the relationship between what something looks like and how it’s used. The user should be able to figure out how to use something just by looking at it.
2023 05 22 soft goods prototyping HERO
How to Use Low- and Mid-Fidelity Prototyping for Soft Goods
It’s important to prototype and test soft materials at various stages in the product development process.
2023 05 15 Should you incorporate soft goods HERO
When to Use Soft Goods in Product Design
To develop the best version of your product, have you considered leveraging softer materials?
06 Article Dave Fuzzy Start H1
Concept FMEA for Engineering During the Fuzzy Front-End of Development
The “fuzzy front end” of product development can pose some unique challenges for engineers.
HERO product design best practices
3 Product Design Best Practices to Follow
How to create a successful product – whether you're designing a product that's physical, digital, or somewhere in between.
2024 01 04 Four Steps to Right Color HERO
Four Steps to the “Right” Color in Product Design
40-90% of consumers base their buying decisions on color. Learn how to apply user-first design thinking to finding the right color in product design.
Face shields social impact design web
How to design for positive, humanity-scale impact
A simple open-sourced design had a massive social impact—40 million face shields were produced for front-line workers fast and without expensive tooling investments.
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The Role of Human Factors in Product Design
A primer on what, how and when the discipline of human factors is used in the design and development of products.
2023 12 22 parts shortage HERO
How To Manage Product Development During a Parts Shortage
We’ve compiled some advice for those facing, or anticipating, the semiconductor shortage. These workarounds are useful when facing any kind of hardware part shortage.
12 Article Megan Usability Studies 2jpg
Five Tips for Moderating Remote Usability Studies
We've been doing remote research since before COVID-19, but the pandemic gave given us a great opportunity to hone our craft.
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Countdown to MDR: Are You Ready for the New EU Medical Device Regulation?
How does the new EU Medical Device Regulation relate to human factors and usability? It depends if your medical product is existing or new.
2024 01 03 anthropomorphic HERO
How Anthropomorphic Form Shapes Product Design
Humans are drawn to anthropomorphic form in product design. Here's how industrial and interaction designers can use this as a tool.
7 Tips for Creating Compelling Presentations
At Delve, we support our clients not just through Strategy, Design and Engineering, but also with the ‘intangibles’ along the way.
2024 Mapping hero
How to Use Mapping to Determine the Design of Your Controls
Good mapping makes products easier and more intuitive to use. Done well, it can create a powerful connection between a product and its users.
2023 10 Reducing Med Device Risk HERO
Reducing Medical Device Risk with Usability Testing and uFMEAs
Medical devices are commonly recalled due to usability issues that can be prevented with human factors plans and uFMEAs.
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What Does 'Hierarchy of Needs' Mean To Product Designers?
How can product designers apply Maslow's theory of human motivation to their work? A design won't succeed if it doesn't meet users' most basic needs.
Footprints on escalators
What’s a ‘Nudge’ in Product Design?
Nudge is a concept rooted in behavioral science that describes how minor changes in product design can markedly affect individual behavior.
06 Article Floyd Think Video B H1
Video Storytelling That Breaks Through the Clutter
Video is a great way to share a story with your audience. Learn how our Visual Communications team approaches making a video that breaks through the clutter.
06 Article Ciari3 H1
Engineering in the Fun
Engineers constantly balance two roles: the engineer responsible for understanding and mitigating risk, and the product developer considering the ideal customer experience and wanting to delight.
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From Arduino To Production: “Look, Mom! I Got It Working!”
Explore some of the issues that need to be dealt with and acknowledged before a quick-turn electronic prototype can be put into high-volume production.
06 Article Michael Dome H1
I say “Dome of Awesome” and you say…
What's the dome of awesome? It’s that place where your expectations have been met (nay, exceeded!) and you are having a great experience throughout.
06 Article Joan Neeno User Centered H1
User-centered design is on the menu
Launching a restaurant is the ultimate personal exercise in user-centered design.
2024 01 31 10 Questions Manufacturing HERO
10 Questions to Your Best Manufacturing Solution
“Do you know a place to get this made?” That’s a question we hear a lot from entrepreneurs looking for a manufacturing solution. It’s actually a very complex question.
06 Article Jesse Were The H1
Were the Wright Brothers Wrong?
For many entrepreneurs and inventors, focusing on patent protection may obscure the need to keep improving your product.
06 Article Dorr Aesthetic Trends
How to Leverage Aesthetic Design Trends in Product Design
When applied appropriately aesthetic design enhances the sophistication, functionality and overall value of a product. Try tuning into the following core aesthetic design trends to inspire your next creation.
12 Article Verhalen Vbl
Your brand deserves a language
How do we know the difference between a designer handbag and a knockoff?
12 Article Darley Viability H1
The Viability Crevasse
Kickstarter and Indiegogo are littered with cool concepts that never hit the shelves. How can you navigate that chasm between vision and reality?
06 Work Case Study Pro Nova Jarod Steve H1
Models and Prototypes 101
Delve's Model Shop creates a wide variety of models for concept validation and user testing. Learn more about the types of models we create.
12 Article Darley Pre Mold H1
The Role of Virtual Prototyping in Product Development
When you have to make something where failure isn’t an option, you better make sure that it will work.
Tough decision making blog image
Tips for Making Tough Design Decisions
No matter what your title is, a significant part of your job is making decisions and justifying them to others.
The Core Principles for Creating an MVP
A Minimum Viable Product approach to product development can speed things along—if you know what you need to learn.
Three Essential Ingredients for Tidying up Design Insights
Finding meaning is what transforms research insights into insightful tools for initiating change.
The Six Prototypes Every Startup Needs To Make
Smart startups spend on prototypes. Different levels offer different benefits along the process journey — here are six of the most important to make.
Deconstructing Fidelity
The more real something looks and feels, the more likely it is that you’ll receive actionable feedback to validate your design or inform your next iteration.
2024 11 26 whats in a name HERO
From Human Factors to User Experience: What’s In A Name?
We recently changed the name of our user interface design team to Interaction Design. The latter encompasses the dynamics of a user’s interaction with a system — including the user’s perceptual, cognitive, and physical interaction with the system, as well as the system’s response to the user.
HEADER How To Protect
How To Protect UI with Design Patents
User interface design patents are more important than ever. Here are tips for designers on how to make the UI patent process work for you.
"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."

Vamsee Pamula, Founder & President, Baebies