
Advice for product innovation, design, and development
2025 02 28 no shortcut medical device development HERO
FDA Delays Could Hold Up Your Device. Are You Ready?
In a climate of regulatory uncertainty, there’s no room for shortcuts. Rigorous risk management, human factors, and a well-structured DHF aren’t just best practices; they're critical.
2024 12 06 Pugh Matrix
Download Our Pugh Matrix Template to Streamline Decision-Making in Medical Device Development
Our team relies on the Pugh Matrix to simplify complex decisions in medical device development. Learn how it works and download our customizable worksheet for free.
2025 01 31 Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Clinical Testing HERO
Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Testing? Key Considerations for Clinical Trials
US regulations are complex, but navigating early testing successfully is crucial for advancing your medical device. Here's how to prepare.
2024 12 19 next gen product design strategies HERO
Innovation Is Ongoing: Next-Gen Product Design Strategies
Version one of a new product is what gets people excited, but versions two and three are what will really establish you as a successful innovator.
HEADER Biomimicry
Biomimicry for Innovation: Your Amazing and Infinite, New LEGO Set
Why are LEGOs so awesome? Because you can mix and match them to create an endless variety of new things. The process is analogous to typical front-end innovation.
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Usability and Innovation: Friends or Foes?
Are usability and innovation inherently at odds? Here are three ways to resolve the tension.
2024 12 12 psych for prod dev research to inform multisensory design HERO
Psych for Product Development: Research to Inform Multisensory Design
At Delve, our design philosophy seeks emotional outcomes through rational thinking. As with all things, our slant remains pragmatic as we gain more experience with multisensory design.
2024 12 11 human factors without human HERO
Human Factors Without the Human
To be successful and safe, automated systems need to work as a team with a human partner.
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10 Design Principles for Product Development Teams
We're committed to sharing our favorite design principles. Here is part 3 from Delve's strategists, researchers, designers, and engineers.
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10 More Design Principles for Better Products
Here are ten more of our favorite design principles, explained.
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10 Design Principles for Better Products
These are principles we’ve been curious about at some point during the course of our careers, and we thought others might be interested in learning more about them, too.
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Biomimicry: What Would Nature Do?
What could biology possibly have to teach engineers and designers?
2024 02 06 Milk Mate User Research HERO revised
Using User Research to Validate Prototypes
Our work with MilkMate illustrates the critical importance of user research for businesses.
2024 11 21 7 tips and tricks qualitative research HERO
7 Qualitative User Research Tips and Tricks
Now that we’ve established the value of user research, let’s talk about how to do it right.
2024 11 21 Io T Superpower HERO
What’s Your IoT Product’s Superpower?
Remember the Coolest Cooler? The most popular Kickstarter product of all time when it launched in 2018, the connected cooler was a perfect example of what happens when a hardware startup underestimates development and manufacturing costs.
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Brands That Really Connect
Brands that push their products mostly via ad campaigns, websites, and packaging are missing an important opportunity: the point of connection.
Loops HERO
3 Steps To Transform Your Business Idea into a Prototype
One of the most frequent questions we hear from entrepreneurs is about the design cycle and how long it will take to develop an idea into a real product or product prototype.
2024 11 12 design thinking reduce stress healthcare HERO
Can Design Thinking Reduce Stress in Healthcare Environments?
The more it’s studied, the clearer it becomes that stress is the crucial, unseen factor in nearly any health-related situation.
2024 11 04 Magic of Rapid Prototyping HERO
The Magic of Rapid Prototyping for User Research: Much More Than Smoke and Mirrors
When it comes to prototyping for the purposes of user research, how to build is determined by what you’re building.
Panel edited HERO
Bridging the Digital-Physical Divide in Medical Device Development
Insights from our MD&M Minneapolis panel highlighted the challenges and benefits of merging hardware and software design, emphasizing how an integrated approach can improve patient outcomes and meet the evolving demands of modern healthcare.
2024 10 15 Sustainable Product Design HERO
A Sustainable Product Design Process: How To Start
We’ve compiled some essentials for product designers and companies who want to get started developing their own sustainable product design process.
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Co-Designing the Future of Healthcare: JeffSolves MedTech Pitch Night
Delve’s Philadelphia studio hosted an inspiring evening as part of the annual Design Philadelphia festival: the JeffSolves MedTech Pitch Night.
2024 10 09 testing testing HERO Adobe Stock 427713981 16x9
Testing, Testing: Assessing Your Product Early and Often
To fight startup failure, practice product testing early and often.
2024 10 08 3 biggest roadblocks HERO
The Three Biggest Roadblocks in Product Development
We see startups encountering the same set of roadblocks over and over again. Here are the three biggest sore spots and our advice on how to get around them.
2024 10 02 Three Ways Keep It Simple HERO
Three Ways to Keep It Simple When You Have the Urge to Add One More Feature
This tendency to want to innovate around every single aspect of a product stems from passion for the product and its mission. But while passion is indispensable, it needs to be tempered with rational thinking.
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Making a Complex Device (Feel) Simple
We’ve noticed a common thread running through all our work—research, strategy, mechanical and electrical engineering, industrial and interaction design—we make the complex simple.
#sideproject: SmartiPi Raspberry Pi B+ and Camera Case
I’ve always wanted to make a product of my own — something small I could manage — and this seemed like a perfect opportunity. I decided to design a Raspberry Pi case that’s functional, affordable, quirky, and fun.
2024 09 27 kickstarted what i learned HERO
I Got Kickstarted, and Here’s What I Learned
Having done all the research and scaled the considerable Kickstarter learning curve, I wanted to compile what I found to be the most useful resources.
2024 09 17 3 Things Kickstart Hardware Setup HERO
Three Things to Do Before Kickstarting Your Hardware Startup
The biggest pitfall for aspiring hardware entrepreneurs isn’t the funding part; it’s the hardware part and clearing the production hurdles.
2024 09 04 Consumer Wellness App that Clicks HERO
How to Design a Consumer Wellness App That Clicks
53% of digital health apps are uninstalled within 30 days of download. How can you design a consumer wellness app that engages and retains users?
"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."

Vamsee Pamula, Founder & President, Baebies