Who Knows Best? Designing User Control in the Age of AI
How much agency should a machine be allowed? For both medical devices and cars, the potential to save lives is very real. But the consequences of things going wrong could be catastrophic.
Who Knows Best? Designing User Control in the Age of AI
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Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Testing? Key Considerations for Clinical Trials
US regulations are complex, but navigating early testing successfully is crucial for advancing your medical device. Here's how to prepare.
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Innovation Is Ongoing: Next-Gen Product Design Strategies
Version one of a new product is what gets people excited, but versions two and three are what will really establish you as a successful innovator.
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Biomimicry for Innovation: Your Amazing and Infinite, New LEGO Set
Why are LEGOs so awesome? Because you can mix and match them to create an endless variety of new things. The process is analogous to typical front-end innovation.
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Usability and Innovation: Friends or Foes?
Are usability and innovation inherently at odds? Here are three ways to resolve the tension.
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Psych for Product Development: Research to Inform Multisensory Design
At Delve, our design philosophy seeks emotional outcomes through rational thinking. As with all things, our slant remains pragmatic as we gain more experience with multisensory design.
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Human Factors Without the Human
To be successful and safe, automated systems need to work as a team with a human partner.
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