Prototype Development

Advice for product innovation, design, and development
2025 01 31 Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Clinical Testing HERO
Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Testing? Key Considerations for Clinical Trials
US regulations are complex, but navigating early testing successfully is crucial for advancing your medical device. Here's how to prepare.
Loops HERO
3 Steps To Transform Your Business Idea into a Prototype
One of the most frequent questions we hear from entrepreneurs is about the design cycle and how long it will take to develop an idea into a real product or product prototype.
2024 11 04 Magic of Rapid Prototyping HERO
The Magic of Rapid Prototyping for User Research: Much More Than Smoke and Mirrors
When it comes to prototyping for the purposes of user research, how to build is determined by what you’re building.
2024 10 09 testing testing HERO Adobe Stock 427713981 16x9
Testing, Testing: Assessing Your Product Early and Often
To fight startup failure, practice product testing early and often.
Hardwarewkshp HEADER
It Takes a Village to Raise a Hardware Product
Entrepreneurs going into hardware face a hefty learning curve, and missteps can end up costing them later in development.
2024 05 21 9 considerations for planning user research prototypes HERO
9 Considerations for Planning User Research Prototypes
Prototyping for user research is a major consideration of product development and one that often confuses, because it’s not an exact science. There’s always a question of what to test and when, and there’s no one “right answer.”
2024 04 02 Prototype Breaking HERO
On-Ramp to Design Engineering: Prototypes Are Made for Breaking!
We will test a part, remove material, then test it again, and iterate that process until it eventually breaks. At that point, we know just how thin, light, or inexpensive a part can be.
2024 1 10 Polished Prototypes HERO
How To Make Polished Product Prototypes Using Everyday Shop Tools
A couple of weeks ago I did a shop presentation to share techniques I’ve developed for making models come together in a more professional way.
2023 12 08 8 Essential Prototypes HERO
Eight Essential Prototypes: The Nesting and Stacking Approach to Product Development
While a final product may appear to stand on its own, it’s actually buoyed by tiers of development. These include rounds of prototyping and testing.
2023 12 VR product design
How We Do It: Virtual Reality for Better, Faster Prototyping
Today we have the ability to set up and interact with a VR-simulated prototype. As the technology continues to grow more accessible, can leverage it for product design, easily translating to faster turnaround and cheaper development costs.
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On-Ramp To IoT: Prototyping Your Connected Device
You've grasped the basic anatomy of an IoT device, identified how you’ll connect with and begin to communicate with the cloud, and selected a cloud service provider. It’s time to get prototyping.
Pt2 thomas edison HERO
On-Ramp to IoT: Getting Connected and Communicating
When you’re designing a connected device, there’s a lot of testing you can do before you get to the production-grade prototype. Here are a few examples of different fidelity levels of prototypes you can use to test early on in your IoT product development.
2023 12 11 Non Finito Prototyping HERO
Non-Finito Prototyping: A New Technique for Digital-Physical Product Design
In art, an unfinished work remains unfinished. In design, an unfinished work opens up possibilities for the user.
2024 05 24 DFM 7 things HERO
Design for Manufacturing: 7 Things Every Designer Should Know
When done well, DFM prevents quality issues and eliminates manufacturing waste. It de-risks new product development by preventing the costly scenario of learning about manufacturability issues when you’re about to launch.
Badger Hood Drawing Image
Universal PAPR hood design
We are happy to publish all our design files for the project.
Corin Hood 1
PAPR Hood for Healthcare Heroes
The goal: To outfit every health care worker with PAPRs – an amazing piece of equipment used to filter air and inflate a bubble around the wearer’s head to reject any contaminants.
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Advanced Design goes to school
The scope of the Advanced Design workshop was to walk students through the research, ideation, and early prototyping phases of creating a backpack.
06 Article Michael Vr Prototyping A
VR: From “Dactyl” to Practical
From a '90s novelty to an exciting design tool, virtual reality offers client-facing opportunities for design immersion.
2024 01 31 10 Questions Manufacturing HERO
10 Questions to Your Best Manufacturing Solution
“Do you know a place to get this made?” That’s a question we hear a lot from entrepreneurs looking for a manufacturing solution. It’s actually a very complex question.
06 Work Case Study Pro Nova Jarod Steve H1
Models and Prototypes 101
Delve's Model Shop creates a wide variety of models for concept validation and user testing. Learn more about the types of models we create.
12 Article Darley Pre Mold H1
The Role of Virtual Prototyping in Product Development
When you have to make something where failure isn’t an option, you better make sure that it will work.
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Service Experience Jam: Designing cool service sh*$!
As part of a global weekend service experience challenge, we took the concept of quantified self to new intestinal territory.
The Six Prototypes Every Startup Needs To Make
Smart startups spend on prototypes. Different levels offer different benefits along the process journey — here are six of the most important to make.
"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."

Vamsee Pamula, Founder & President, Baebies