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Advice for product innovation, design, and development
FDA Delays Could Hold Up Your Device. Are You Ready?
In a climate of regulatory uncertainty, there’s no room for shortcuts. Rigorous risk management, human factors, and a well-structured DHF aren’t just best practices; they're critical.
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Co-Designing the Future of Healthcare: JeffSolves MedTech Pitch Night
Delve’s Philadelphia studio hosted an inspiring evening as part of the annual Design Philadelphia festival: the JeffSolves MedTech Pitch Night.
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#sideproject: SmartiPi Raspberry Pi B+ and Camera Case
I’ve always wanted to make a product of my own — something small I could manage — and this seemed like a perfect opportunity. I decided to design a Raspberry Pi case that’s functional, affordable, quirky, and fun.
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Four Promising Technologies for Age-Aware Design: Let’s Think Actively About Aging
Aging consumers are an ideal market, with plenty of free time and unprecedented disposable income. We should get serious about age-aware design and tech for older adults.
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Branding and Joy (A Love Story)
Once upon a time, branding was good for companies but not so good for consumers. That’s no longer the story.
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Humans First! How To Spark Empathy in a Design Thinking Workshop
Design strategists often lead design-thinking workshops for clients using the research they’ve gathered in the field as jumping-off points for innovation.
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Learning About Wearables by Looking to the Edges
There's no such thing as an average user.
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The Simple Secret To Unlocking Product Innovation
Without the right insights, a new technology is just a solution without a problem. Insights are the answer to tech for tech's sake.
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Product Design for Extreme Environments
Here are some of the harshest environments you might come across as a product designer or engineer and the ruggedized solutions and products that stand up to them.
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Ingenious Engineering: Safety Razors
Few inventions have had as significant an impact on our daily lives as the safety razor.
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On Being a T-Shaped, Squiggly, Design Thinking Engineer
If Delve were a product to be opened up and analyzed, you’d find a lot of creative, dedicated, skillful people inside.
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Ingenious Engineering: Ballpoint Pens
The ballpoint pen eliminated the need for messy fountain pens and all the problems that came with them. This breakthrough invention forever changed the way we write.
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The Value of Design and the Responsibility of Designers
The theme of the DMI Madrid 2023 conference was "The Power of Design in Turbulent Times." Here are some reflections on major themes that defined the talks and the conversations throughout.
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A History of AI in Engineering from the 1970s to Today
With the transformative potential of new AI tools like ChatGPT on everyone’s mind, it’s easy to forget that artificial intelligence has been used in product design and engineering for many years.
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Responsible AI: Guidelines and Resources for Designers
Microsoft just dissolved their AI Ethics and Society team. What’s a designer to do?
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3 Surprising Findings from Our Latest MedTech Industry Survey
While reviewing the early data from our ongoing research on trends in the medical device industry, three unexpected findings caught our eye.
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If You Could Redesign Anything, What Would It Be?
Not every product design is a home run. Here are 15 products we think could use some design help.
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Biggest Innovations in 2022 That Influenced Product Design
A coffee pod system without a plastic pod. Headphones that read your mind. A touch-sensitive prosthetic hand. Check out the biggest innovations to influence product design in 2022.
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5 Groundbreaking Health Innovations Powered by Data and Machine Learning
Advances in data science and machine learning are transforming healthcare and public safety. Countless lives will benefit. Here are five inspiring examples.
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15 Biggest Innovations of 2021 to Influence Product Design
We asked our staff to nominate the biggest innovations of the past 12 months that will have an influence on product design.
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How Digital Whiteboards Became an Essential Design Tool
More than just compensating for the loss of in-person collaboration, digital whiteboards provide clear benefits, namely reducing barriers between disciplines and fostering more open, dynamic relationships with clients.
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Ingenious Engineering: How Staples Are Made
It’s not easy keeping it together under pressure. Yet these little marvels do it every day tens of thousands of times over. Do you know how staples are made?
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Why ‘T-Shaped’ Is the Best Fit for Product Design
“T-shaped” is a term used to describe someone’s knowledge and skills. For those of us in product design, it’s a good shape to be.
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CES 2021: Transportation tech promises a cleaner, safer future
The vehicle expo area of CES has been one of the most exciting parts of the trade show in recent years.
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CES 2021: 5G starts revealing its potential
At CES in 2019, Verizon Chairman and CEO Hans Vestberg gave the opening keynote address about the upcoming advantages of 5G.
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CES 2021: Home is where everything is
If your home is your castle, during the pandemic it’s also your office, classroom, coffee shop/restaurant/bar, gym, entertainment venue, spa, and, yeah, that place where you sleep.
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CES 2021: Digital health explodes
Here’s a mind-blowing set of statistics for you: prior to 2020, only 24 percent of healthcare systems offered any form of virtual care.
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CES 2021: Healthcare, technology & COVID-19
In early 2020, Abbott Laboratories recognized the need for COVID-19 testing and used their massive resources to ramp up production quickly.
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Building an MVP app in just eight weeks
In the spring of 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to work apart, Delve’s leadership launched an internal pitch competition.
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Inspiration Index 11-17-20
Since Covid, "water cooler" chats at Delve's three offices are now largely happening on Microsoft Teams, where we're sharing what we're reading and listening to with each other. We're compiling some of the best nuggets into what we're calling an "Inspiration Index," that we'll share on a regular basis. We hope you discover something that will inspire - or at least intrigue - you.
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Inspiration Index 10-13-20
Since Covid, "water cooler" chats at Delve's three offices are now largely happening on Microsoft Teams, where we're sharing what we're reading and listening to with each other. We're compiling some of the best nuggets into what we're calling an "Inspiration Index," that we'll share on a bi-weekly basis. We hope you discover something that will inspire - or at least intrigue - you.
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Inspiration Index 9-25-20
Since Covid, "water cooler" chats at Delve's three offices are now largely happening on Microsoft Teams, where we're sharing what we're reading and listening to with each other. We're compiling some of the best nuggets into what we're calling an "Inspiration Index," that we'll share on a bi-weekly basis. We hope you discover something that will inspire - or at least intrigue - you.
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Top 5 lessons from Badger Shield project
Badger Shield gave me the opportunity to collaborate with an amazing group of men and women this year – designers, suppliers, manufacturers, and customers. I expect to have built lifelong collaborators and friends through this trial by virus. (For background, read the article in Wired).
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The gift that keeps on giving
I had a manager who gave me the book “Feedback is a Gift.” At the time, it didn’t feel like much of a gift – mostly because her method for feedback was, well, constant. But her heart was in the right place.
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What’s next? It’s up to us
We are told the world has changed, I have heard people talk about the recent past as “the before” in recognition that we are in transition and not going back. I have also heard people talking as if this is a tough time, that we need to buckle down and wait for it to pass.
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Operation #BadgerShield
Since we posted a blog post talking about how the Open Source Face Shield project had started to supply the University of Wisconsin hospitals with this critical personal protection equipment (PPE), our team has had little time to breathe.
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Face shield designs to fill the gap
We are all feeling a little helpless in the face of COVID-19. We are looking for ways to help. Face shield shortages are putting health workers at risk.
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Making business decisions in tumultuous times
There is no game-theory exercise or scenario planning model that will produce a definitive recommendation. I realize this isn’t particularly helpful or reassuring, so I offer you three specific supplemental tips for navigating your business in tumultuous times.
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CES never fails to entertain
The Consumer Electronics Show always starts the new year off with a bang. It packs roughly 170,000 extra people from around the world into Las Vegas for a seizure-inducing week of stimulation.
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Advanced Design goes to school
The scope of the Advanced Design workshop was to walk students through the research, ideation, and early prototyping phases of creating a backpack.
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CES 2020: Day two cool stuff
Our team spent the second day of CES at Tech West, home base for health, wellness, home, wearable and fitness technology. It's also the hub for Eureka Park, where the scrappy startups vie for attention of venture capitalists and potential partners.
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CES 2020: Day two
Our team spent the second day of CES at Tech West, home base for health, wellness, home, wearable and fitness technology. It's also the hub for Eureka Park, where the scrappy startups vie for attention of venture capitalists and potential partners.
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CES 2020: Day one cool stuff
We roamed the massive Las Vegas Convention Center the first day of the Consumer Electronics Show, better known as CES. Here are some additional fun things we saw.
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CES 2020: Day one
We have a team roaming the massive Las Vegas Convention Center today at the Consumer Electronics Show, better known as CES. We'll be adding to this blog post throughout the day as we find cool stuff to share.
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Dave’s 2019 Year in Review
As 2019 winds to a close it’s time to make my annual appraisal of some of the more noteworthy products and events shaping world of design and Innovation. And the last year certainly saw its fair share of significant steps and missteps. So, let’s wade in with a few things I’ll remember that helped define 2019 for me.
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Making something awesome
I’d like to take the time and opportunity to reflect on our experiences at the Madison Mini Maker Faire and talk about each of the wonderful projects our team at Delve has been able to put together to share with the public, while hopefully inspiring young minds to be open and grow.
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Service design hits and misses
As I started to think about writing this blog, I realized that it might come off more as an Andy Rooney rant than “Oprah’s favorite things” this year. It feels like there have been more misses than hits.
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13 Biggest Innovations of 2019 To Influence Product Design
Robots unleashed; the emergence of hearables; sustainable plastics and processes — we weigh in the biggest innovations of 2019 to influence product design.
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Cybertruck, schmeibertruck…
I, for one, am pretty excited that Elon Musk is bringing his 1980s sci-fi movie dreams to life.
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When good design goes bad
Some of the most altruistic of projects create some of the most vexing and problematic dilemmas for the designer as their altruistic aims face reality.
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How Today’s Evolving Infrastructure Predicts Tomorrow’s Technological Innovations
Infrastructure has made all of the following innovations possible.
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Six Market Forces Changing the Medical Device World
As a high school junior, I was shown the guts of an implantable defibrillator. That day, I quit my pursuit of a career in medicine to pursue one in medical device design.
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Our DIY Split-Flap Display: An Adventure in Inefficient Nostalgia
We weren't setting out to invent something radically different, but we wanted to prove to ourselves that we could make our own split-flap display.
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Star Trek's Visual Brand Language (and how we fit in)
When we spotted our Orbit point-of-sale scanner in photos from the set of the latest Star Trek movie, we were tickled. And then we got to wondering.
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Goodbye Industrial, Hello Design
I’d prefer to never say words Industrial Designer
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My business is going to the dogs…
I drafted our very own “common sense/common courtesy” dog policy. I’m sharing it below in case it helps illuminate a path for any other small business owners grappling with this same issue.
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2018 Year in Review: Service Design
Here’s my list of “a few-of-the-mostly-best innovations from the last year or so.”
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SXSW Day Two: Place and community building in a hyper-connected global economy
Today at SXSW we dug into the concept of place. Below is a quick look into what we saw, heard and thought.
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Why is the Roomba so expensive? Why are the knock-offs so cheap?
What happens when all the engineers from Delve's three offices gather in Madison? We buy stuff and tear it apart to understand how it is made. Our product of choice? The robotic vacuum.
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Observations from HIMSS 2019
If you want to develop empathy for anyone in the healthcare business, all you have to do is walk the floor at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Conference.
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Notes on 2/28 Stanford Discussion on Machine Learning
Last night, I attended a pretty cool panel discussion at Stanford’s D-School on “Designing Machine Learning.”
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To infinity and beyond
What’s a bigger number, the total number of atoms in Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s body or the total number of microprocessor clock cycles since the dawn of time?
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2018 Year in Review
The beginning of a new year is a great time for reflection – and what better to reflect on than the last year in design and innovation?
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Urgency Understood: User Research and the Value of In-Context Experience
There is no short map of an anticipated journey that medics can plan for while transporting a patient out of any building to the ER. Each scenario and response is unique.
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13 Biggest Product Design Innovations of 2018
E-bikes, solutions for ocean-borne plastic, real-life Babel fish, 3-D printing metal, robot overlords, and more — we weigh in on 2018's biggest innovations.
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[Design] community service
As we find ourselves in the middle of the holiday season, we join with our friends and family in celebrating what we have and share the joy with others by giving.
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Small solutions but bigger problems
Nowadays, you can see new products and ideas and rate them instantly. Is it preventing us from tackling the big problems?
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Intern Q&A: How to make PIE
Our summer interns worked on a very cool project to make a Virtual Reality prototyping tool called PIE. They learned that making PIE isn't that easy.
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Green eggs and electric ham
Will the E-bike change the way Americans think about cycling?
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Is this on brand?
Is a bidet on brand? Our San Francisco team did some research and debating to find out.
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Front ends, air flow, boats and aesthetics
The Tesla Model 3 has a front that upends expectations, and it's not pretty.
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How Might We Improve Pizza Delivery? With Creative Matrix
Creative Matrix is a brainstorming method that helps structure the necessary "in-between" work between research and ideation. We demonstrated the technique.
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Expectations vs. Reality
The gee-whiz tech news coming out of Silicon Valley is often exciting, but it's not always reality.
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“Wait. Is that it? Did the needle already go in? I can’t believe it!”
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Design in Action: Preparing To Set Up a Temporary Mobile Medical
To get ready for the trip, I’ve been looking into and thinking about how human-centered design is best applied to global health solutions.
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The Foreign Language of Sewing
Sewing has its own language and rhythm that has surprising uses for prototyping.
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Our SF design office is moving! What a long, strange trip it’s been
Moving 10 people and a 3,000-pound mill in San Francisco is quite the project. But the end result is worth it all.
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Making makerspaces that work
Designing a makerspace to fit the needs of staff and students at Lincoln Elementary School took some old-fashioned ingenuity.
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Sensors for the Win! How Auto Industry Tech Drives Superior Olympic Athletes
The increasing sophistication, diversity, and affordability of sensor technology for autonomous cars has rippled into the sports world. Did we see the results in PyeongChang?
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Life cycle considerations in the age of software-enabled products
As more products become software-enabled, our notions of expected performance and life cycle are changing.
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Ingenious Engineering: The Cutting Edge of Cutlery
Eating utensils require some sophisticated metal fabrication technology.
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From rockets to fidget spinning: 2017 year in review
Dave Franchino takes a whirlwind tour of a crazy year ... and that includes product design and tech.
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Delve's New Office Design: Spreading the Peanut Butter
Take a tour of our new Madison home with one of the design leaders behind it.
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Cyber security is a new spin on an old problem
The cyber-security scares of today are reminiscent of the Tylenol poisoning scare of the '80s, which led to tamper-resistant packaging.
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Ingenious Engineering: Dippin' Dots
Putting the freeze on cream and sugar is what it’s all about at Dippin’ Dots.
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Podcast Wizard
No twist ... just a great list of podcasts from an avowed podcast junkie.
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Industrial Design’s Past, Present, and Future: The Evolution of a Profession
Delve's VP of Design Mathieu Turpault reflects on major changes in industrial design in the last 25 years and predicts where it's headed.
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Poetry in motion
Fighting bugs, storms and heat, design camp provides the challenge of putting ideas into interconnected motion.
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Is your company in control of its user experience?
Consumers have access to a hodgepodge of information on brands that they never had access to before, which makes it tough to control the brand experience.
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Just one touch and I knew
A product that's beautiful to the eye but feels shoddy in the hand communicates volumes about a brand. Don't forget to design for touch.
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The Latest on LoRa: Enabling the Internet of Things To Get Real
When major utilities accept a standard, you know it’s going to be real.
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Designing (and making) cool stuff
A recent Saturday at the Madison Mini Maker Faire reinforces the joy of what we do and how fun it is to turn kids on to STEAM fields.
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The Good Enough Design of the Nintendo Switch
The Switch has a lot of great features, but the modular design leads to some clunky compromises. Ultimately, does it matter?
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SXSW: Collaboration, hope, urgency and cultural change
From the Cancer Moonshot to Bill Nye the Science Guy, SXSW was all about optimism that things can change for the better.
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Six Teardowns That Inspire Design Innovation
One of the best ways for engineers to learn about product design is to carefully examine other products. Engineering details, manufacturing processes, and material choices can all be used to inspire your own designs and decisions.
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Ingenious Engineering: Toothbrushes
Many of the simplest items we use every day require an amazing amount of effort to produce. Take, for example, the humble toothbrush.
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#sideproject: United We Stand (Updated)
I thought 2016's divisiveness seems like a good reason to revisit my "United We Stand" state flags project, tweak some, and make them available to download.
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Have you hugged your laboratory professional today?
After walking the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC), we think laboratory professionals deserve a little more love from the industry.
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OneWeb user terminal and solar array design wins IDEA
Delve's industrial design for OneWeb wins an International IDEA award in the social impact category.
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Moments That Matter: How Interactions Foster Brand Loyalty
When we look back on an experience, we craft a narrative based on memory and emotion and the sum of our experiences. The same is true of how we process our experiences with brands.
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Favorite Things: Diptyque Philosykos Solid Perfume
Thoughtful multi-sensory design transforms the act of opening a perfume pouch into a sensuous expression of luxury.
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Our 15 Favorite Branded Interactions
We polled the office on favorite branded interactions and narrowed everyone’s nominations down to 15 brands who do it well. Here’s the list of brands and the interactions we consider to be successful.
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Can Interaction Design Save the Internet of Things?
There was a lot of talk about the Internet of Things this year at SXSW Interactive 2015. And yes, there were a lot of cool Internet-things.
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Man and machine
Recent workplace deaths involving robotic arms are a new variant of the dangers that come with using powerful tools.
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Suck up, tear down
An Electrolux from the '50s inspires a head-to-head comparison with a Dyson Animal. Let's just say there are some trade-offs.
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Uncertainty changes expectations
International travel offers time to why not knit an experiment in uncertainty?
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AmpStrip Design Wins Spark Award
Our industrial design for the AmpStrip, a 24/7 heart rate and activity monitor, recently won a Gold Spark Award.
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Designing a Family Internet of Things (FIoT)
Connected devices too often rely on a "master operator" framework that ignores the wonderfully messy realities of family life.
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Writing an ebook is e-xciting
Delve just published its first ebook on this interesting point in time when technology and society are entering new territory.
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When better isn’t good enough
Want a Sansa or an iPod? Sometimes getting to market first is better than making a better product.
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Combine, separate or connect?
The urge to merge technologies can lead to really cool stuff ... and really stupid stuff, too.
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The Internet of (Disconnected) Things
Many SxSW Interactive talks pondered the future of connected devices. What we can address now and how we may bridge the user-experience gap for the future?
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Diving into the intensity that is SxSW Interactive
Drinking from the fire hose is an understatement.
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Can't we all just get along?
Believe it or not, the color and brand of smartphone or laptop someone uses is not an indicator of their worth.
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Something you can't Tweet in 140 words: Personal connection
In the world of sales, nothing is better than picking up a phone or meeting someone in person.
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Innovation? It's on the Bag
A lunchtime decision to brave the midwinter cold led to a lunch that I unsuspectedly evaluated as a new experience.
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What does Spiderman have to do with user experience design?
UX design is maturing and none too soon for the technology challenges and opportunities we face.
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Super Bowl 2015 ads reflect our conflicted era
Want some depression with those Doritos? In a confusing time both socially and economically, advertisers struggle to find the right tone.
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How many people does it take to turn on a light bulb?
"Heads-down time" is invaluable when you're looking for that "light bulb" moment. But then it's time to get out of your own head.
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Six Things to Consider as the Internet of Things Intersects Medical Devices
As the consumer-driven IoT culture, which moves fast and iterates frequently, meets the highly regulated med device industry, designers face new challenges.
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Wearables at CES 2015: Enough with the activity trackers!
At CES 2015, activity trackers were the bandwagon that many companies jumped on. Really? Isn't there something better to do with this technology?
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Game on: The best of the boards
Great board games are designed to foster creativity, collaboration and compromise.
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Embracing the Old School
Sometimes we need to embrace our inner Janet Jackson and be the ones in control.
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Details, details, details
What's in a flange? Well, when it comes to product design, it's the attention to details that can make all the difference.
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Aging in Place
Technology is making it easier to stay in the home and community you love as you age. That's a wonderful thing.
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Active procrastination and passive thinking
Instead of a nice story that reads like your favorite episode of This American Life, here’s a few thoughts on things I’ve noticed over the last couple months.
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Designing for the Apocalypse
A few months ago, I was able to experience co-creation from the client side of things. I signed up for a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE workshop at Door County Forgeworks.
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IDers Are from Mars, IxDers Are from Venus
No need to pick sides. Become a hybrid designer instead.
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BioReactor Could Have Big Impact on Saving Small Hearts
Using the BioReactor we helped design and manufacture, Dr. Hopkins' team have reached a milestone in developing a process for replacing pediatric heart valves.
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Why Designers Are Not Artists
Making a difference and calling attention to important issues through design is more achievable once designers get over the fact that they're not artists.
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Introducing HACME Corporation: Solving problems you didn't know you had
Imagine a future where emerging technology — wearable sensors and 3D printers — are so accessible they’re embedded into most everyday objects
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Leonardo da Vinci and UX: The Interview
How might Leonardo da Vinci operate as a UX designer in the year 2014? I sent him a time machine and asked him.
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"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."
Vamsee Pamula, Founder & President, Baebies