Uncertainty changes expectations
International travel offers time to knit...so why not knit an experiment in uncertainty?
Uncertainty changes expectations
Let's build something together.
CES 2021: Home is where everything is
If your home is your castle, during the pandemic it’s also your office, classroom, coffee shop/restaurant/bar, gym, entertainment venue, spa, and, yeah, that place where you sleep.
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CES never fails to entertain
The Consumer Electronics Show always starts the new year off with a bang. It packs roughly 170,000 extra people from around the world into Las Vegas for a seizure-inducing week of stimulation.
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CES 2020: Day two cool stuff
Our team spent the second day of CES at Tech West, home base for health, wellness, home, wearable and fitness technology. It's also the hub for Eureka Park, where the scrappy startups vie for attention of venture capitalists and potential partners.
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Service design hits and misses
As I started to think about writing this blog, I realized that it might come off more as an Andy Rooney rant than “Oprah’s favorite things” this year. It feels like there have been more misses than hits.
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How Might We Improve Pizza Delivery? With Creative Matrix
Creative Matrix is a brainstorming method that helps structure the necessary "in-between" work between research and ideation. We demonstrated the technique.
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Our SF design office is moving! What a long, strange trip it’s been
Moving 10 people and a 3,000-pound mill in San Francisco is quite the project. But the end result is worth it all.
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