Case Studies

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Temptu Air: At Home Airbrushing
Three disciplines worked in lock step to develop Temptu Air, the first all-in-one airbrushing device that makes applying foundation anywhere quick and easy.
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Master Lock: Electronic Built-In Locker Lock
Delve identified the best technology fit for Master Lock to bridge the gap between physical and digital, and to claim the edge in this new-to-them category.
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Nielsen-Kellerman: Rowers’ Rugged Megaphone
Delve’s engineers put the rigor into rugged for a superlative megaphone that stands up to rowers’ abuse.
Shield Alcock
Badger Shield
In March 2020, with the coronavirus pandemic straining hospital capacity and shutting down global supply chains, healthcare facilities faced a desperate shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers on the front lines.
Man holding snowboard - Delve Consumer Product Design
AlpineReplay: Trace Action Sports Tracker
To make Trace an indestructible connected device, we developed rugged hardware that withstands wet, hot, sandy, freezing, icy, and vibratory conditions.
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Fellowes Branded Air Purifiers
Delve created a line of air purifiers designed to showcase and strengthen Fellowes’s longstanding brand values.
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Aqua Products: Pool Cleaning Robot
Delve reinvented Aqua Products’ jet-propelled pool cleaner and had it ready for tooling in just three and a half months.
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FSC: PathOne™ Rapid, Portable Pathogen Testing
Delve developed a revolutionary analytical platform that shifts the paradigm of pathogen testing in diagnostics, food safety, and bioterror.
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Bruvelo: App-Connected Coffeemaker
Delve developed a simple, intuitive UI that cloaks Bruvelo’s complexity from the groggy, early-morning user.
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CloudTalk: Nucleus IoT Video Intercom System
We worked with an entrepreneur’s existing video chat software to create a prototype intercom system that earned the attention of major manufacturers.
D7 Systems: Rugged, Rapid Decontamination
Rugged, versatile BDAS+ is a breakthrough device that helps first responders rapidly and easily neutralize biological threats.
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Alcon: Cataract Surgery Scalpel
Delve developed a new scalpel that skirts competitors’ overly broad patents and keeps costs low.
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Brivo: IoT Identity Box
We helped a cutting-edge IoT company develop an IoT device that embodies in form and facility the intelligent service it enables.
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Ventev: Portable Battery Chargers
Delve developed a visual brand language to set Ventev’s mobile device chargers apart from its competitors.
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Freedom Scientific: Low Vision Solutions
Ethnographic research uncovered many opportunities to improve everyday life for the visually impaired through Freedom’s family of video magnifiers.
12 Case Study REACT Hero
Pacific Cycle: REACT Scooter
Pacific Cycle wanted to get back in the kids market with an economical e-scooter targeted to 8-12-year-olds who would use as more of a toy than transportation.
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Biologic Drug
Delve has completed over a dozen major projects for one of the top biologic products in the world. Our work ranged from product design, service design, ethnographic research, channel investigation, and journey mapping.
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Fenix International: ReadyPay Solar Home System
In Africa, more than 80 percent of households lack access to energy. The lack of light and power is a roadblock to economic and societal development, limiting the ability to work, study, and communicate digitally.
Widen Case Study H1 Image
Widen: Adjacent Opportunity Exploration
Widen was interested in identifying opportunities that were feasible within 3-5 years based on the innovation ambition of its leadership team.
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SPS: Enterprise Energy Software
We redesigned a complex suite of digital data and analytics systems used by the energy industry as a single, coherent Web application with an intuitive UI.
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Wonder Connection Bedside Field Trip
Delve’s airtight, highly usable design delivers worry-free exploration and positive distraction to empower pediatric patients.
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Central Garden & Pet
Two novel products from Delve and Central Garden changed the way herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers are packaged, stored, and applied.
06 Case Study Perlick Range Fridge H1 @2X
Perlick: Refrigerator/Freezer Product Platform
Perlick, a leading manufacturer of commercial and residential refrigeration, wanted to offer a complete in-home luxury kitchen appliance suite.
Speedbox Rugged Modular Container System
The rugged and waterproof rolling container got an update that made it tougher, more stackable, and more versatile despite tricky manufacturing constraints.
06 Case Study Scout H1 @2X
Kid Trax: Rideamals
Kid Trax makes super-cool play versions of farm and construction equipment, sports cars, police cars, motorcycles, trucks, dune buggies … you name it. But what about a ride-on animal?
06 Case Study Safetynet Dmiaward H1 @2X
SafetyNet: Payment Security Insurance
"Delve helped deepen our knowledge about design thinking and prototyping the customer’s needs/preferences, which is paying high dividends in quickly building our customer base." Dan Kaiser, President, SafetyNet
06 Work Case Water Wyzer Stock @half
WaterWyzer Connected Faucet
Water scarcity as a major threat to national security. Good news: If all U.S. households installed water-saving features, water use would decrease by 30 percent.
06 Work Case Study Leggett And Platt @2X
Leggett & Platt: Presto Bed Frame
Buying a mattress has been a predictable experience for the last 50-plus years – go to a mattress or furniture store, choose your mattress and bed frame, and have the store’s delivery service bring it to your home and set it up for you.
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Delve reconfigured CLEANCut for mass appeal with a lower price, sleeker and more versatile look, and much improved usability.
06 Work Case Study Hand Cycle Hero H1 @2X
Lend a Handcycle
Most of us have fond childhood memories of tooling around the neighborhood on our bikes with friends. For children with physical disabilities, that experience is too often out of reach.
"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."

Vamsee Pamula, Founder/President, Baebies

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