2023 09 15 designing Io T medical device HERO

Designing an IoT Medical Device? Four Factors To Consider

Given the maze of use cases and associated certifications, designing an IoT medical device may take longer and cost more than you expect. Take the shortest path to a completed project by considering four factors.

Let's build a breakthrough medical device.
2025 02 28 no shortcut medical device development HERO
FDA Delays Could Hold Up Your Device. Are You Ready?
In a climate of regulatory uncertainty, there’s no room for shortcuts. Rigorous risk management, human factors, and a well-structured DHF aren’t just best practices; they're critical.
2024 12 06 Pugh Matrix
Download Our Pugh Matrix Template to Streamline Decision-Making in Medical Device Development
Our team relies on the Pugh Matrix to simplify complex decisions in medical device development. Learn how it works and download our customizable worksheet for free.
2025 01 31 Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Clinical Testing HERO
Is Your Medical Device Prototype Ready for Testing? Key Considerations for Clinical Trials
US regulations are complex, but navigating early testing successfully is crucial for advancing your medical device. Here's how to prepare.
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Innovation Is Ongoing: Next-Gen Product Design Strategies
Version one of a new product is what gets people excited, but versions two and three are what will really establish you as a successful innovator.
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Biomimicry for Innovation: Your Amazing and Infinite, New LEGO Set
Why are LEGOs so awesome? Because you can mix and match them to create an endless variety of new things. The process is analogous to typical front-end innovation.
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Usability and Innovation: Friends or Foes?
Are usability and innovation inherently at odds? Here are three ways to resolve the tension.