10 steps to help combat design tunnel vision
Have you ever been given a physical tool to help you complete a task when what you really needed was information or support?
10 steps to help combat design tunnel vision
Speculative Design and a Cone of Possibilities
Speculative design requires people to suspend their disbelief and allow their imaginations to wander. Here's one tool to ground it in reality.
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Empathic Design in Practice
What comes before and after you walk in your users' shoes? We distill empathic design into six principles for easy adoption.
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The expanding definition of design
There’s a growing sense of urgency and renewed purpose in the design community.
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How to Make Way For Radical Innovation
Before starting on an innovation strategy, decide which type you're chasing: Incremental, disruptive, or radical innovation. Each requires a unique approach.
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Reducing Medical Device Risk with Usability Testing and uFMEAs
Medical devices are commonly recalled due to usability issues that can be prevented with human factors plans and uFMEAs.
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Five Global Megatrends Reshaping Product Design
Doing user research now won't help you design for 2028. Trend analysis will. Design strategists turn to it to predict consumers' future behavior.
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